Monday, March 24, 2008

Come Alive.

Michelle and I were just at Kroger picking up a birthday cake for someone in our office. Despite past ‘spelling mistakes’ on our cakes from this particular Kroger, we continue to pick up birthday cakes from there.

While we were waiting in line to pay for our cookie cake (which WAS spelled correctly) a manager approached the cashier who was working the line that we were in. A short, somewhat inaudible conversation transpired in which the manager was trying to convince the clerk to commit to working the next day. Due to the thickness of the accent, we couldn’t pick up on a lot of what was being said, except for the last few statements from the manager to the employee.

“You go home. You sleep. You come back work tomorrow.”

As funny as the statement was, given the tone, accent, and demeanor of the manager…it was also sad. The sadness is found in the truth of what that manager spoke; it is the repetitious rut that so many people find themselves in. We work in order to sleep just so that we can come back and work tomorrow.

In having to work to live we have created a society of people who live to work. Our existence becomes nothing more than a placement in a position to achieve a corporate objective.

As Christians, we know we can influence our sphere of people wherever we are, ultimately fulfilling the great commission. THAT is our purpose.

However as humans, we also have desires and dreams within us that make us come alive. How much more so can we ignite others with our passion for God and life when we are doing what makes us come alive?

We need to get after it. We need to pursue what makes us come alive.

If you already are…well done.

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