Monday, September 3, 2007

Martinsville Speedway :: Whelen Made in America 300

Our double-header weekend kicked off Saturday in Martinsville, VA at Martinsville Speedway for the Whelen Made in America 300 (a combination event with the NASCAR Whelen Southern Modified Tour and the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour).

We arrived at the track just prior to noon, arriving to a very busy infield. There were 53 cars on hand attempting to qualify into the 43 starting positions available to them. Upon arriving Michelle helped as we began to walk through the garage area posting our first devotional of the weekend on the Southern Modified teams' pit carts. The devotional shared on the topic of us finding our ability to accomplish and overcome things in our lives through Christ...not on our own apart from Him.

While Michelle and I travel with the Southern Modifieds, there is another organization that ministers to the Northern Modifieds, Racing With Jesus Ministries. Dan and Don with RWJM had planned a joint chapel for our two communities to be held just prior to the drivers meeting on Saturday. Don's message extended the hope of salvation to a community still healing from the circumstances of the past few weeks (Dan led us in a time of prayer and I presented the afternoon's scriptures). Around 40 of us gathered together for the service...and one young lady committed her heart to the Lord following the service later that afternoon.

Following chapel was the drivers meeting to which the remaining activities of the day were laid out to the large field of competitors. In an end to the meeting I led the two communities in prayer.

As the afternoon progressed the field was narrowed down to the 43 teams that would start the race and the cars were lined up along the front stretch for a fan autograph session prior to their driver introductions. During the introductions, Dan, Don, and I stood behind the stage to pray with each of the 43 drivers following their introductions.

Throughout the race there were a few accidents that warranted a few trips to the infield care center for a few various drivers, but we praise God that everyone that was brought in walked out that evening.

It was a very long night, as we finally left the track after midnight...but I can think of few other places I'd rather be!

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